Services – Program Development

Program Development

Partnering Beyond Data Collection

RetailData provides access to experts who help every partner optimize their data collection strategies, ensuring they have access to the right data and insights at the right time.

With 35 years of research experience, we know the ins and outs of setting up successful data collection programs.

Perfectly planned data collections from start to finish.

Our Account Managers are working hard on your behalf

35 years

of data collection experience


normalized data points collected weekly


of stores located near our researchers


of in-store audits delivered weekly

Solutions to inform decision-making across every industry.


Get a handle on price, promotional, and assortment strategies by benchmarking against competitors that matter in your fight for more market share.

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With the help of competitive data, fill your shelves with products that shoppers want at price points that keep them coming back!

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Give your guests the best possible experience by refining your operations with data that tells you what customers want and where to improve your services.

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To make every meal the best it can be, collect data on where you are meeting standards and where there's room to improve. From breakfast to dinner, this will help you identify areas for improvement.

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Whether discovering market gaps for your products to fill or defining a better pricing and promotional strategy, using observational intelligence can turn your brand into the next big thing!

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Let’s Get to Work


We’ll help you tackle the industry challenges you’re facing with observational intelligence that helps you make informed decisions.