Services – In-Store Audits

In-Store Audits

Unmatched In-Store Capabilities

Our research associates use advanced technology and strict quality control measures to capture high-quality data in-person. This ensures that our clients have the most accurate and reliable data possible.

With thousands of in-store collections completed every week, see why our capabilities are unmatched.

Trained Collectors, Timely Data
Unlike our competitors who rely on crowd-sourced workers, we maintain a workforce of thousands of researchers, meaning we ensure they're trained in best data collection practices and work approved schedules meaning we can guarantee your projects get completed in a timely manner.
We’re Where You Need Us Most
Wherever you end up needing data collected, our researchers are close by in every major market. Instead of just collecting data at the locations that are most convenient for your data collector, RetailData will get you the data from the on-site locations that matter to you - wherever they may be!
Precision in Every Byte
Because our researchers are all long-term employees, we invest in their careers by providing them with state-of-the-art data collection tools that catch invalid data as they go. Additionally, everything we collect is validated against historical and concurrent data, with human review as an added safety net to ensure your acting on reliable data.

We’ve built proprietary tools to streamline data collection, and they’re available for your teams to use!

Send your people in-store to evaluate the consumer experience, monitor operational compliance or collect competitive pricing data.

From single image captures to wall-to-wall store collections, here’s how to apply RetailData’s in-store capabilities:

In-Store Price Checks
Planogram Studies
Mystery Shopping
Product Attribute Mapping
On-shelf Availability Checks
In-Store Price Checks
Planogram Studies
Mystery Shopping
Product Attribute Mapping
On-shelf Availability Checks
In-Store Price Checks
Planogram Studies
Mystery Shopping
Product Attribute Mapping
On-shelf Availability Checks
In-Store Price Checks
Planogram Studies
Mystery Shopping
Product Attribute Mapping
On-shelf Availability Checks
In-Store Price Checks
Planogram Studies
Mystery Shopping
Product Attribute Mapping
On-shelf Availability Checks
In-Store Price Checks
Planogram Studies
Mystery Shopping
Product Attribute Mapping
On-shelf Availability Checks
In-Store Price Checks
Planogram Studies
Mystery Shopping
Product Attribute Mapping
On-shelf Availability Checks
Promotional Tracking &
Item Photography
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance
Promotional Tracking &
Item Photography
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance
Promotional Tracking &
Item Photography
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance
Promotional Tracking &
Item Photography
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance
Promotional Tracking &
Item Photography
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance
Promotional Tracking &
Product Categorization
& Attribute Mapping
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance
Promotional Tracking &
Item Photography
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance
Promotional Tracking &
Item Photography
Product Placement
& Presentation
Product Testing
Operational Compliance

Our Research Associates are working hard on your behalf

35 years

of data collection experience


normalized data points collected weekly


of stores located near our researchers


of in-store audits delivered weekly

Solutions to inform decision-making across every industry.


Get a handle on price, promotional, and assortment strategies by benchmarking against competitors that matter in your fight for more market share.

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With the help of competitive data, fill your shelves with products that shoppers want at price points that keep them coming back!

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Give your guests the best possible experience by refining your operations with data that tells you what customers want and where to improve your services.

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To make every meal the best it can be, collect data on where you are meeting standards and where there's room to improve. From breakfast to dinner, this will help you identify areas for improvement.

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Whether discovering market gaps for your products to fill or defining a better pricing and promotional strategy, using observational intelligence can turn your brand into the next big thing!

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Let’s Get to Work


We’ll help you tackle the industry challenges you’re facing with observational intelligence that helps you make informed decisions.